What is mindset?
Mindset is a set of thoughts and beliefs which influence the way people handle any given situation. According to experts, it is influenced by our background experiences as well as our genetic makeup.
Carol Dweck (2000), states: "There are two approaches and beliefs to intelligence; a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Those with a fixed mindset view intelligence as innate and fixed from birth. Those with a growth mindset believe intelligence is flexible; we can learn and improve through perseverance."
For reference and further information, see links: studysmarter.co.uk and https://opentext.wsu.edu/theoreticalmodelsforteachingandresearch/chapter/mindset-theory/
The human brain is very powerful. Our thoughts, experiences and genetic makeup can influence how we handle different situations. As a result, we need to entertain positive 8⁷thoughts in order to develop a healthy mindset.
People with fixed mindset think that they know everything and do not take kindly to constructive criticism. On the other hand, people with growth mindset do not think that they know everything and accept constructive criticism. They are willing to change their thinking and learn from others.
Work has progressively been taking up most of our lives. People can barely find time for family, fun and relaxation, and this can have a negative effect on our mental health. It is therefore important that we make a special effort to develop a positive mindset, while we execute our daily activities.
Here are 5 ways in which we can do this:
1.Focus on Your Strengths
Recognize your strengths and celebrate them instead of dwelling on your weaknesses. This shift in focus can help you feel positively about yourself. Be willing to accept constructive criticism and listen to good advice. Discipline your thoughts. Yes, make that special effort to entertain thoughts about your achievements and use them as encouragement to remain positive and strong. Speak to yourself aloud. Tell yourself you are strong, you can achieve it. Of course, you must believe it. The more you hear it, the more you will believe it and set out to accomplish it.

2. Practice Gratitude Acknowledge the things for which you are grateful. Express your feelings and focus on the positive things that happen in your day. One way to do so is to write things down. Write down the good things that happen each day. Read them repeatedly each day until you develop the habit of focusing on the positive things. This habit can help you change your mindset from a negative one to a positive one.
Gratitude shifts your thoughts from stressful situations and reduces negative emotions. If negative emotions are decreased then it is the positive that will take over. The positive emotions will counteract the effects of stress, anxiety, anger, frustration and fear by shifting your attention from the negative circumstances of life to the positive. Make this action a habit until you improve your mental health.
Think for a moment about the religious side of life. Christians for example, usually have a praise and worship segment in their main worship services. Speaking from experience, during these moments of praise and adoration to the Creator, I have no time thinking about challenging situations, because I am so fixed on offering up praise, thanks-giving and worship to the Creator, for who he is, for things I have achieved and will achieve, etc. At the end of praise and worship sessions, I always feel positive and better prepared to take on any challenge.

3. Reflect on Your Positive Qualities Think about the good qualities within you. List them in a notebook or on your smart phone, or tablet. Affirm them regularly.
As a school teacher, I have witnessed that repetition help students to remember information or content such as letter sounds, concepts, among other things, just by repeating them. Anyone can adopt this same approach to develop a positive mindset, by repeatedly reflecting on their positive qualities until these thoughts remain at the forefront of their minds. If you keep focusing on the good qualities in yourself, soon you will develop a healthy mindset."Dweck's theory on Mindset highlights the importance of nurture, our environment, thoughts and the effort we put in when faced with new challenges." We must be determined and make that special effort to change our thinking.
Here is a link to a site on which I have found some useful tips: Check out pinterest.com and search for mindset or mindfulness. I have two accounts there. I follow many account holders and learn from them. They have amazing content to motivate you and help you develop a positive approach to life.

4. Practice Self-Compassion
Cultivate self-compassion: treat yourself kindly and gently, remember, you are human. Acknowledge your successes. Be less critical of yourself. Some of us are too hard on ourselves - we judge and condemn ourselves for mistakes and misfortune. If you made a mistake on your job, in a relationship, at a social event... whatever it is, brush yourself off, stand up and continue your journey, one day success will be yours.

5. Prioritize Self-Care Developing self-worth is important. Believe that you are worth taking care of. What is self worth? It is about feeling valuable. As a human being made in the image of the Creator, we have individual purposes to fulfill. Find out what they are, develop your skills and share them with the world.
You can showcase your talents, skills and abilities face to face or using platforms on the internet. Participate in self-care activities that contribute to positive experiences and thoughts. Sometimes this may require reading a good book on self-care, becoming the member of a healthy care community group. - physically or online, such as forums, but take some form of action. Take care of yourself physically and mentally. Buy yourself some change of clothing, dress to fit your age but step it up a notch. You feel good when you look good. Who can deny that? When you start to feel good about yourself- that is your mood changing, which will lead to a positive mindset. So take on the challenge, if that is what it looks like, and begin the quest for a healthy mindset.
Remember, a healthy mindset involves positive-oriented thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. By incorporating these steps, you can foster a more optimistic outlook on life.