The ancient activity of gazing to the skies will resurface soon.
"When night falls, step outside and gaze upward. Away from city lights, the countryside reveals its celestial wonders. Lie back in a cozy chair or blanket on your lawn and watch the constellations - the Big Dipper, Orion, and Cassiopeia (The Lady on the Chair). Watch the shooting stars streak across the sky and feel the vastness of the universe envelop you."
This is an excerpt from one of my recent blogs posts. Link:

Why do people gaze at the sky?
Tradition Throughout history, humans have looked to the sky to observe the celestial bodies and to observe the movements of the sun, moon and stars. The night sky, in particular, has always held some significance for humans. Even in the bible it has been recorded that wise men followed a special star to Bethlehem and found Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.
To Move away from the Mundane Looking up to the skies helps us to shift our attention form the mundane tasks and focus on the vastness of the skies. Our bodies tend to relax as we observe the clouds floating gently across the sky. Sometimes they just seem to hurry by, then become calm again, just like our changing emotions. Beyond the moving clouds, remain the never moving sky, which seems to remind us that the Creator is never changing, even though the clouds, heavenly bodies, and our emotions change.
To Reduce Stress We all live together under his vast sky but we all respond differently to it. People go about their activities from day to day and sometimes become burdened with stress but some look to the skies for relaxation. When they gaze at the skies, they shift their focus from their immediate stressors and enjoy the beauty above. You too can relax and enjoy the beauty of the skies, especially during a moonshine night, and focus less on things that make your lives stressful.
Awe and Wonder The sky has always evoked awesomeness! We live in a fast-paced world and often do not take the time to look up to the skies, but whenever we do, we cannot resist being taken aback by its vastness, beauty and wonder. When we compare ourselves to the vast universe above, we see how minuscule we really are. This usually cause me to reflect on the Great Architect - the Creator. Only an awesome, almighty intelligent being could have orchestrated it. I usually burst out in praise and adoration to the Creator for this almighty power and for placing such awesomeness above us.
Soon millions (if not billions) will be gazing at the skies. What will they be looking for?
On Monday, April 8, 2024, a celestial spectacle will occur, when the moon passes directly between the sun and the earth, and cast its shadow on the earth, resulting in a total solar eclipse. According to media sources, the moon will cast its shadow on parts of the United States, and Canada blocking the sunlight. These countries will have darkness while this event occurs.

What a spectacular event that will be for the people of these countries! Many may not lie back in a cozy chair or blanket on their lawn and observe the event, but some surely will be observing, wearing their solar eclipse glasses or using special solar filters on their cameras.
Will you be one of those millions watching? Will this event inspire you to develop the habit of sky-gazing, or stargazing? Why not give it a try? You can never tell what you may see out there. For those who are always looking to the skies, how will this event impact what you already know about the skies?
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